Jumat, 21 Maret 2014


Aku bertanya pada Tuhan
Sebenarnya apa hakikatku di dunia ini, Tuhan ??
Aku bertanya pada diriku sendiri
Kau itu sebenarnya siapa ??
Entahlah, tak kutemukan jua jawabannya
Lama ku merenung dan bercermin di relung hati
Ada apa gerangan dengan diriku??
Nanar kutatap lazuardi dengan sejuta pertanyaan
Adakah kiranya jawaban dari semua pertanyaanku, Tuhan??
Di mana lagi aku harus memncarinya ??
Untuk siapa sebenarnya aku hidup ??
Nun jauh di sana kulihat secercah cahaya
Inikah yang dinamakan rahmat Tuhan

Ah, seandainya aku tahu apa arti lamunanku itu

I Want To Say I Love You

Ada bayang yang tak pernah pergi
Ada nama yang selalu mendiami
serta seutas wajah yang menerangi
Pada hati…bangkitkan semangat diri
tuk lalui hari-hari

Meski ku tahu bagiku takkan mungkin lagi ada dirimu
Tetap saja ku biarkan engkau mendiami seluruh taman asa
di antara kuntum bunga lili putih yang pernah ada di antara kita
Merekah indah di antara ‘harap dan nyata’

Ada keyakinan yang tak terbeli
Oleh ribuan hari-hari penantian hati
Susuri hidup… walau tertatih seorang diri
dan kau tetap disana, diami sudut paling sunyi
dan suci…
I want to say ...


Ku Titipkan Bunga Cintaku Pada-Mu

Bunga cinta bersemi di lahan kehidupanku
Warnanya beragam, indah dipandang mata
Dari beragam bunga cinta yang mekar
Hanya ada satu bunga cinta yang paling menawan hati

Bunga lili putih yang tumbuh di pinggir kolam nuraniku
Itulah yang paling indah
Meskipun warnanya tak seindah bunga cinta lainnya,
Menurutku ialah yang paling istimewa

Putih menggambarkan kesucian yang tertanam dalam cinta
Warnanya tak berubah,
Meskipun waktu mungkin saja memudarkan warnanya
Setitik lumpur keruh yang terpercik dari kolam pun
Tak mampu membuat keindahan sang bunga luntur

Hari berlalu, musim berganti
Bunga cintaku yang berwarna-warni mulai gugur
Mereka gugur seiring dengan keindahan warna cintanya yang luntur
Hanya satu bunga yang tetap subur di ladang hatiku yang mulai gersang
Ialah bunga cintaku yang paling istimewa,
Sang lili putih

Yang selalu menjernihkan keruhnya kolam nuraniku
Yang selalu menghiasi hariku dengan warnanya yang tetap cemerlang
Yang selalu membuat ladang hatiku bersemi
Yang masih tumbuh dengan subur seperti cintaku padanya
Kini warna sang lili putih pun mulai pudar
Mungkin Tuhan tak lagi izinkan aku merawatnya,
Atau mungkin warnanya pudar karena jauhnya jarak yang memisahkan
Seperti jauhnya jarak sumber air kehidupan menuju kolam nurani
Tempat tumbuhnya sang lili putih

Tuhan, ku titipkan bunga cintaku padaMu
Kumohon rawat dan peliharalah ia
Hingga ia tetap tumbuh subur,
Meskipun mungkin keindahannya bukan lagi untukku
Tuhan, hanya Engkau yang tahu
Bagaimana nasib sang lili putih selanjutnya

Aku titipkan bunga cintaku, sang lili putih padaMu
Jika kelak Kau izinkan,
Warna sang lili putih pasti akan kembali bersinar
Ia pasti akan kembali mewarnai ladang hatiku yang sedang gersang
Tapi jika Kau tak mengizinkan,
Biarkan sang lili putih menebar benihnya
Hingga menemukan ladang hati yang tepat untuknya
Biarkan bunga cinta lainnya tumbuh di ladang hatiku
Agar ladang hatiku kembali berwarna

Seperti saat sang lili putih tumbuh subur dan membuat ladang hatiku bersemi

-Untuk sang lili putih-

Minggu, 05 Januari 2014

I Was Born For You

Dear readers,

Ini bukan tentang cerita cinta.

Ini menceritakan tentang salah satu lagu favoritku yang baru dan alasan mengapa aku menyukainya.
Seseorang menyanyikan lagu ini untukku dan aku merasa sangat tersanjung. Ia adalah temanku dari negeri seberang sana, lebih tepatnya di Filipina. Lagu ini ia nyanyikan tepat sehari setelah malam pergantian tahun. Ia menyanyikannya melalui sebuah rekaman suara. Aku merasa sangat senang, karena sebelumnya belum pernah ada seorang teman lelaki (apalagi ia orang asing) yang menyanyikan sebuah lagu yang ditujukan khusus untukku. Ia bilang bahwa ini adalah hadiah untukku karena telah bersedia menjadi temannya selama ini. Katanya, "I dedicated this song for you. I was born for you, to be your best friend (Lagu ini aku dedikasikan untukmu. Aku dilahirkan untukmu, untuk menjadi sahabatmu)".Bagaimana aku tidak merasa tersanjung. Ia menyanyikan lagu itu dengan sangat tulus dan mempersembahkannya khusus untukku, padahal kami baru kenal selama kurang lebih 2 tahun dan bahkan belum pernah bertemu secara langsung.Setelah aku dengarkan dengan seksama, ternyata lagu ini memiliki arti yang sangat indah.Dan kali ini, aku akan membagikan lirik dari lagu yang ia nyanyikan itu. Semoga kalian menyukainya dan mungkin bisa juga menyanyikannya untuk orang lain yang kalian sayangi.
Just enjoy this ! :D

David Pomeranz — Born For You


Too many billion people
Running around the planet
What is the chance in heaven

That you'd find your way to me?

Tell me what is this sweet sensation?

It's a miracle that's happened
Though I search for an explanation
Only one thing it could be

That I was born for you

It was written in the stars
Yes, I was born for you
And the choice was never ours
It's as if the power of the universe
Conspired to make you mine
And till the day I die
I bless the day that I was born for you

Too many foolish people

Trying to come between us
None of them seem to matter
When I look into your eyes
Now I know why I belong here
in your arms I found the answer
Somehow nothing would seem so wrong here
If they'd only realize

That I was born for you

And that you were born for me
And in this random world,
This was clearly meant to be
What we have the world could never understand
Or ever take away
And till the day I die
I bless the day that I was born for you

What we have the world could never understand

or ever take away
And as the years go by
Until the day I die
I bless the day that I was born for you


Lebih dari jutaan orang

Berjalan di atas planet ini
bagaimana dengan peluang di surga
bahwa kau akan menemukan jalanmu kepadaku?
katakan padaku sensasi manis macam apa ini?
Ini adalah sebuah keajaiban yang sedang terjadi
Meskipun aku mencari sebuah penjelasan
hanya satu hal yang memungkinkan

Bahwa aku dilahirkan untukmu

Itu sudah tertulis dalam bintang-bintang
Ya, aku dilahirkan untukmu
Dan pilihan itu bukanlah milik kita
Ini seolah-olah kekuatan alam semesta
Bersekongkol untuk membuatmu menjadi milikku
Dan sampai hari di mana aku mati
Aku memberkati hari di mana aku dilahirkan untukmu

Begitu banyak orang bodoh

mencoba untuk datang di antara kita (masuk dalam kehidupan kita)
tak ada satupun di antara mereka yang menjadi masalah
ketika aku melihat matamu
Sekarang aku tahu mengapa aku berada di sini
Di dalam pelukanmu aku temukan jawabannya
Terkadang tidak ada satu pun hal yang terlihat salah di sini
Jika saja mereka menyadarinya

Bahwa aku dilahirkan untukmu

dan bahwa kau dilahirkan untukku
Dan di dunia yang serba tak menentu ini
Sudah jelas hal ini dimaksudkan untuk apa
Apa yang kita miliki, dunia tak akan pernah mengerti
atau bahkan mengambilnya
Dan sampai hari di mana aku mati
Aku memberkati hari di mana aku dilahirkan untukmu

Apa yang kita miliki, dunia tak akan pernah mengerti

atau bahkan mengambilnya
Dan bertahun-tahun telah berlalu
Sampai hari di mana aku mati
Aku memberkati hari di mana aku dilahirkan untukmu

Berikut link untuk mendengarkan lagu ini :


                         Dedicated to CZE
Thanks for being my friend and singing this song for me :D

Jumat, 27 September 2013

Hatiku Masih Terpaut Padanya

Ah, sungguh menyebalkan ....
Sekian lama aku memendamnya, namun di saat-saat terakhir melihat wajahnya justru lidahku menjadi kelu
Tak satu kata pun aku ucapkan padanya saat ia ingin pergi mengejar mimpinya untuk waktu yang cukup lama
Hanya sebuah senyum simpul tanpa makna dan ekspresi wajah yang datar yang kuperlihatkan padanya
Saat itu, kubohongi hatiku sendiri dan berharap suatu saat ia akan kembali dengan perasaan yang sama

Namun, ternyata aku salah
Tuhan masih belum izinkan aku bertemu kembali dengannya sampai saat ini
Dan sialnya, Tuhan membiarkanku memelihara perasaan yang amat menyiksa ini
Ah, sungguh aku ingin berteriak sekuatnya
Melepaskan semua perasaan yang menyiksa ini dan membuang kenangan tentangnya jauh dari pikiranku

Tapi aku selalu gagal
Hingga kini hatiku masih terpaut padanya
Masih menunggu untuk suatu ketidakpastian yang bahkan mungkin nantinya malah akan membuatku kecewa
Sudah lelah aku berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk membuang perasaan ini jauh-jauh
Namun ternyata, hasilnya masih nihil
Hatiku masih belum sanggup untuk berpaling darinya dan menghapus ingatanku tentangnya
Meskipun aku tak akan pernah tahu, akan berakhir bagaimana kisah kami ini

Ah, andai ia tahu
Betapa berat menanggung perasaan seperti ini
Menanti sebuah jawaban yang belum tentu menyenangkan
Memelihara kesetiaan akan perasaan yang tak ku tahu namanya dengan alasan yang tidak pasti

Hati kecilku pun akhirnya mencibir,
"Ah, kau ini bagaimana? Kau bilang tersiksa dengan perasaan ini, tapi kenapa hatimu masih terpaut padanya dan tak sanggup melempar jauh-jauh ingatanmu tentangnya lalu menenggelamkannya dalam-dalam di dasar hatimu??? Bodoh sekali dirimu ini. Nikmati saja lah kalau begitu, hingga Tuhan memberikan jawabannya nanti. Aku lelah dengan semua ini"
Bahkan ia pun telah bosan mendengarkan keluhanku yang entah sudah keberapa kalinya aku lontarkan

Aaaah, andai kau tahu
Wahai penakluk hatiku
Hingga saat ini segenap hatiku masih terpaut padamu
Dan aku, si orang bodoh ini
Masih dengan amat setia menunggumu di sini
Menunggu jawaban untuk akhir cerita kita
Meskipun itu dalam ketidakpastian yang entah kapan dan bagaimana akan berakhir
Semoga Tuhan menyampaikan pesanku ini padamu

*untuk seseorang di luar sana yang telah membuatku menunggu dalam ketidakpastian

Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012




1.1              Problem Identification

Foreign policy is the combination and the reflection of a country’s domestic condition which fluenced by the regional or international condition. The end of The Cold War have been arisen The United States as “The Sole Super Power”. Beside that, the 9-11 (11th of September) 2001 had bring a great effect on the revolution turn on foreign policy of The United States, especially on the revolutional turn on the essence of The United States role as ‘the police agent’ for the countries in the Middle East and the Northern Africa and for the countries all over the world.
In the Middle East, foreign policy of The United States related to it’s global politics. More than 3 decade, when the uni Soviet still became a greatest rival for the United States, the strategic interest of that country in the Middle East is only for the preventif action to dame up the Uni Soviet domination. But after the fall out of the Uni Soviet, the interest of the United States is for defending it’s hegemony in the Middle East and keep the existence of it’s global strategies which need more backing from the countries in the middle East.[1]
About the foreign policy of the United States to the Islamic Republic of Iran, the historical fact shown that the relations between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran was begin by the very close diplomatic relation. The official relation between them was begin in the end of 1800 when King Nasser al Din Shah sent his ambassador to Washington. Since that time until the World War II, the relations between them is really fine.
The relations between them become worse when Shah Reza Muhammad Pahlevi regime fallen out and then the Iranian Revolution born which led by Imam Khomeini. And then The Islamic Republic of Iran exist as a sovereign state. After all that time, Iran became a state which gaze directly to the United State.
The strained situation of Iran-the United State relation was reach a crest when George W. Bush elected to be the President of the United State. Bush expelled Iran from international community and called Iran as “devil axis” with North Korea and Irak (when Irak led by Saddam Hussein).
            When Barrack Obama elected as a new President of the United States (take the place of George W. Bush), he gave a new direction to the foreign policy of the United States. He gave a good signal for changing the foreign policy of the United States in the Middle East and Northern Africa.
            But in reality, the foreign policy in Obama’s era is difficult to realize. The harmony in Iran-the United States relation is difficult to reach again because Iran becoming insistent for improving it’s nuclear program. If the United State still believe that Iranian nuclear program is brought to the non-peacefull aim, it will be impossible for them to make a good relation as before.
Based on the argument that I said before, I’m trying to identify the foreign policy of the United States to the islamic Republic of Iran after Barrack Obama elected as the United States President. Of course, I also identify how was the condition of their relations and the policies which have done by both countries.

1.2              Research Question

Why the foreign policy of the United States to the Islamic Republic of Iran never change in Obama’s era ?

1.3              The Framework Theories

In this working paper, I use this theory and concept as my base to identify the problem. They are :

1.3.1        The Concept of National Interest

The foreign policy of a country adopted based on the national interest of it’s country. The national interest mostly used as a tool to analize something to know the aim of the foreign policy of a country.
More than 3 decade, when the uni Soviet still became a greatest rival for the United States, the strategic interest of that country in the Middle East is only for the preventif action to dame up the Uni Soviet domination. But after the fall out of the Uni Soviet, the interest of the United States is for defending it’s hegemony in the Middle East and keep the existence of it’s global strategies which need more backing from the countries in the middle East.[2]

1.3.2        The Theory of Foreign Policy

Foreign policy is a combination from the authoritative policy of a country to the external circumstances, which fluenced and formed by many internal factors and many external factors which interacted each other. Foreign policy of a country drew an action of it’s country for any special condition, time and place which fluenced by domestic condition or international condition.
In this working papaer, I try to analyze the construction of foreign policy of the United States in Obama’s era to the Islamic world citizen, especially to the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the shadow of interest power and pressure group such as AIPAC (American-Israel Public Affairs Committee) who mostly gave a simplistic view to the dynamics of politic in Islamic states.



2.1              The Dynamics Relations Between The United States of America and The Republic of Iran

The official relation between the United States and Iran was begin in the end of 1800 when King Nasser al Din Shah sent his ambassador to Washington. In 1911, the United States sent Morgan Shuster, an American commerce banker, and Arthur Chester Millspaugh, an economic advisor, to Iran for improving the financial condition of Iranian Kingdom. Suster and Millspaugh was succesfully do their job. The economic condition of Iran has grown rapidly, and then Iran begin to make a trade relations with the Western.
Iran positioning the United States as “the third power” in Iran excertion on struggle for freedom from the domination of Russia and England. The United States with the Shah Reza Muhammad Reza Pahlevi regime have brought Iran to the brighter eonomic and financial condition, which caused by the huge funding from the United States and the pro-Israel policy of Shah Reza regime.[3]
The fallen out of Shah Reza regime become a bad momentum of Iran and the United States relations. The Iranian think that the United States funding for improving the economic condition of Iran, which also brought the capitalism and materialism, as satanic temptation. The Iranian abhorence to the United States can not be dame up because of the civilization.
The close relations between them at the beginning was totally change since the reclination of 50 diplomat from the United States in the United States Embassy Building in Teheran on November 1979 by the militant group, pro-Khomeini university students, and the Iranian armed group.[4] After that case, the United States takes the policy for isolating Iran from international circumstances. On World Jewish Conference on 30th of April 1995, President Bill Clinton said that he decided to cut all acquintance of the United States on trade and investment with Iran.
On 1979, the relations between Iran and the United States after Iranian revolution become worse. This is because of the born of Iranian Revolution which led by Imam Khomeini and the declaration of independence of The Islamic Republic of Iran.
The strained situation of Iran-the United State relations was reach a crest when George W. Bush elected to be the President of the United State. Bush expelled Iran from international circumstances and called Iran as “devil axis” with North Korea and Irak (when Irak led by Saddam Hussein). After all that time, Iran became a state which gaze directly to the United States.
When Barrack Obama elected to be the President of the United States, the relations between Iran and the United States still unclear. Personally, Obama really wanted to improve the relations between Iran and the United States. But in reality, the foreign policy towards Iran in Obama’s era is difficult to realize. The harmony in Iran-the United States relation is difficult to reach again because Iran becoming insistent for improving it’s nuclear program. If the United State still believe that Iranian nuclear program is brought to the non-peacefull aim, it will be impossible for them to make a good relation as before. So, the development of Iran and the United States relations depends on Obama’s foreign policy as the President of The United States.

2.2              The Influence of Obama As The Designated Leader (The President) of The United States on Framework of The United States Foreign Policy Towards Iran

When Barrack Obama elected as a new President of the United States (take the place of George W. Bush), he gave a new direction to the foreign policy of the United States. He tried to take a risk and opened a peacefull communication with another states who think that the United States is their enemy.
President Obama gave a good signal for changing the foreign policy of the United States in the Middle East and Northern Africa countries. It’s not only about the problems between Iran and the United States, but also about the effect into the countries in the Middle East and the Northern Africa region, such as Irak, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran and Afghanistan.
But in reality, the foreign policy in Obama’s era is difficult to realize. The harmony in Iran-the United States relation is difficult to reach again because Iran becoming insistent for improving it’s nuclear program. If the United State still believe that Iranian nuclear program is brought to the non-peacefull aim, it will be impossible for them to make a good relation as before. The success and the failure of the dialogue between Iran and the United States is really influential for the situation in the Middle East and the Northern Africa region. The effect of ‘the domino theory’ is really aplicable here in terms of the relations between Iran and the United States.[5]
The reconciliation efforts on relations between Iran and the United States by President Obama was doing by the horrifying steps. One of that is admitted the United States involvement on the coup d’etat in 1953 to fall out the Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh government. “Di tengah Perang Dingin, AS telah memainkan peran dalam menggulingkan pemerintah Iran yang dipilih secara demokratis”. That was the statement from President Obama in his speech to the Moslem world in Cairo. That was the first time in the history of the president of the United States in revealing the involvement of the United States on that coup d’etat.[6]
Ayatullah Khomeini as Iranian leader gave a strong reaction to Obama’s speech in Cairo. Khomeini said that even Obama speech for hundred times, it will be useless if no changes made in the foreign policy of the United States. Khomeini think that Obama’s word into Islam world will be useless if there is no changes made on Washington’s policy itself.[7]
Analyzing the foreign policy of the United States in Obama’s era is also can be observed by the political view of his party. The Democrat have no willing to use the military power on it’s foreign policy. The concern of the domestic politic and foreign politics of the United States is on Human Rights issues, democracy issues, and the environment issues. The Democrat is concerned on the economic development of the United States, social assurance, consistency of progressive aplliance of tax, better health services, more concern about the equality in education, and willingness to use the power of the state to reach the social justice.[8]
            The important thing to know is that the foreign policy of the United States will have no drastic change from George W. Bush (Republican) to Barrack Obama (The Democrat). This is because of the national interest of the United States. For example : even in his speech, President Obama said that he promise to improve the relations towards Islamic states in the world, but in reality the United States still have a really big problem with Iran because the United States rejected Iran’s nuclear program.
The most influential reason of the United States to reject Iran’s nuclear program is about the political reason. As I said before, the United States still defending it’s national interest. The United States dont want any new power of the world defeated him, moreover Islamic state such as Iran.  So, even Obama promises that he would change the United States foreign policy, there will be no changes made significantly because he also want to defend the united States national interest.



The United States still defending it’s national interest, especially for it’s relations towards Iran. That aim is for keeping it’s hegemony in the world. The United States dont want it’s hegemony is beaten by the new power in the world such as Islamic states like Iran. Because of that, the foreign policy of the United States towards the Islamic Republic of Iran which applied by President Obama have no differences with the foreign policy in Bush era.


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Gerges, Fawaz A. Amerika dan Islam Politik : Benturan Peradaban atau Benturan Kepentingan? Jakarta: Alva Bet, 2002.
http://www.adangdaradjatun.com. http://www.adangdaradjatun.com/berita/terbaru/333-obama-akui-keterlibatan-asdalam- kudeta-di-iran-1953 (diakses April 4, 2012).
Kegley, Charles W. International Terrorism Characteristic, Causes, Control. New York: Fact St. Martins Press, Inc., 1990.
Khamanei: Politik Luar Negeri AS Harus Diubah. http://www.beritanusantara.com/-internasional/80/1544.html (diakses April 5, 2012).
Rahman, Musthafa Abd. “Efek Teori Domino dalam Isu Dialog Iran-AS.” Kompas, 6 April 2009.
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[1] Taufik Adi Susilo, Mengenal Amerika Serikat : Rahasia di Balik Negeri Adidaya, Yogyakarta, Garasi, 2009, hlm. 59.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Fawaz A. Gerges, Amerika dan Islam Politik: Benturan Peradaban atau Benturan Kepentingan?, terj., Jakarta, AlvaBet, 2002, hlm. 53.
[4] Charles W. Kegley, International Terrorism Characteristic, Causes, Control, New York, Fact St. Martins Press, Inc., 1990. hlm. 173.
[5] Musthafa Abd. Rahman, “Efek Teori Domino dalam Isu Dialog Iran-AS”, Kompas, Edisi 6 April 2009 diunduh dari www.kompas.com pada 2 April 2012 pukul 12.15
[7] Baca “Khamanei: Politik Luar Negeri AS Harus Diubah” di website http://www.beritanusantara.com/-internasional/80/1544.html, diunduh pada 5 April 2012 pukul 13.27
[8] Ikrar Nusa Bhakti, “Obama dan Politik Luar Negeri AS”, di Harian Seputar Indonesia, Edisi 19 Januari 2009.